Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Nico Huber, Raul Rangel, Furquan Shaikh, Matt DeVillier, Angel Pons, Patrick Rudolph, Felix Held. Hello build bot (Jenkins), Raul Rangel, Nico Huber, Furquan Shaikh, Matt DeVillier, Tim Wawrzynczak, Angel Pons, Michael Niewöhner, Patrick Rudolph, Felix Held,
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#12).
Change subject: [RFC] soc/intel/skylake: Introduce new method for setting device states ......................................................................
[RFC] soc/intel/skylake: Introduce new method for setting device states
We mostly use the same mechanism for setting the state of internal devices, but we copy it over again and again. Thus, introduce a new method trying to reduce redundant code.
Basically, this uses an array of structs containing the DEVFN number, its corresponding FSP option and an indicator if the FSP option is inverted. The struct maps the device to its related FSP option and `set_dev_state_by_devicetree()` iterates over the array using the usual mechanism.
Unresolved issues: - Where should fspdevmap{.c,.h} be implemented?
Change-Id: I70fde306c65a8881f565c5f923be20f380ea64d3 Signed-off-by: Felix Singer --- M src/soc/intel/skylake/ M src/soc/intel/skylake/chip.c A src/soc/intel/skylake/fspdevmap.c A src/soc/intel/skylake/fspdevmap.h M src/soc/intel/skylake/romstage/ M src/soc/intel/skylake/romstage/fsp_params.c 6 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/93/52493/12