Attention is currently required from: Nicholas Sudsgaard, Paul Menzel.
Nico Huber has posted comments on this change by Nicholas Sudsgaard. ( )
Change subject: southbridge/intel: Use azalia_audio_init() instead of duplicating code ......................................................................
Patch Set 4: Code-Review+1
(1 comment)
Commit Message: : PS3, Line 12: The southbridge's codect_detect() was written a long time ago and : mentions that it was "not working yet" in the commit message. Therefore, : I believe that the differences was due to it being a rough : implementation and did not follow the specification exactly in some : places (e.g. only using 4 bits for codec_mask instead of 15 bits).
Thanks, you're right this commit message was made without much merit. I will remove it. […]
Ah, thanks, but maybe dropped a bit too much. I think Paul is right, you should mention differences. IMO it's enough to say that there are some(*). Just don't try to justify them.
(* if somebody is looking through the log for potential regressions, they should be able to spot this change, that's all)