Attention is currently required from: Rex-BC Chen. Yu-Ping Wu has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: Revert "soc/mediatek/mt8186: Update SPM firmware to pcm_suspend_v0215_v10" ......................................................................
Patch Set 4: Code-Review+2
(1 comment)
Commit Message: PS4, Line 12: original SPM firmware is used to prevent suspend fail. We disable : 26M clock to bypass pmic wrap when suspending. : We found the root cause of suspend fail and it's because the error : setting of pmif. (Fixed in CB:63089) : Therefore, we revert the original patch to enable 26M clock. CB:62327 was created to fix a suspend failure issue, where we disable 26M clock to bypass pmic wrap when suspending. However, it turns out that the root cause of the suspend issue is an incorrect pmif setting, which is fixed in CB:63089. Therefore, revert CB:62327 to enable 26M clock.