Attention is currently required from: Jes Klinke, Christian Walter, Julius Werner. Jett Rink has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: tpm: Accept Google Ti50 TPM DID:VID ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
(1 comment)
File src/drivers/spi/tpm/tpm.c: PS1, Line 515: if (tpm_first_access_this_boot()) { : /* This is called for the side-effect of printing the firmware version : string */ : cr50_get_firmware_version(&ver); : }
Cr50 and Ti50 share the same 3-item version number format, so I could rename `struct cr50_firmware_v […]
I think renaming to gsc when it applies to both is helpful. (we would still need to do a future audit and rename to make everything consistent with that decision though).
sorry that I am still confused. Do we want to do `tpm_first_access_this_boot` for cr50 (`0x00281ae0`) or ti50 (`0x504a6666`)?