Attention is currently required from: Raul Rangel, Jon Murphy, Karthik Ramasubramanian. Felix Held has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/skyrim: Add DXIO descriptors ......................................................................
Patch Set 13: Code-Review+2
File src/mainboard/google/skyrim/port_descriptors.c: PS8, Line 38: .start_logical_lane = 2, : .end_logical_lane = 3,
I was able to boot to the OS with this patch, so I think it's correct? Is there anything else to ch […]
since it works, i'm ok with keeping this like it is for now PS8, Line 102: { /* DDI2 - DP (type C) */
I'm not sure how to test this in our current configuration, but this CL is blocking our ability to b […]
i'm ok with revisiting this later. i guess the issue we're running into here which requires the 5th ddi descriptor is that the upds still have 5 ddi descriptors and the default connector type is DDI_DP. only specifying 4 descriptors here likely results in the 5th keeping the default and since the soc only supports 4 ddi ports, that will make some other part of the firmware unhappy