Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Sean Rhodes, Paul Menzel. Andy Pont has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mainboard/starlabs/labtop: Hook up Thunderbolt to CMOS ......................................................................
Patch Set 7:
File src/mainboard/starlabs/labtop/cmos.layout: PS7, Line 33: 542 1 e 1 thunderbolt Doesn't make any real difference but following the +8 for each new option then this should be 544
File src/mainboard/starlabs/labtop/variants/tgl/devtree.c: PS7, Line 57: /* Enable/Disable Thunderbolt based on CMOS settings */ Is the check of the value of "webcam" here a typo? If not, the comment needs expanding to explain the reason why. If it is correct, then doesn't it just fir with the existing if() above?