Attention is currently required from: Andrey Pronin, Raul Rangel, Paul Menzel, Yu-Ping Wu, Karthik Ramasubramanian. Julius Werner has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: src/security/vboot: Set up secure counter space in TPM NVRAM ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
File src/security/vboot/antirollback.h: PS3, Line 32: 0x100f What about moving this a bit away from the other indices so it can grow on its own when necessary? Maybe use (0x3000 + (n)) or something like that? (AFAIK any number works here and it makes no difference, but would be good for Andrey to confirm.)
File src/security/vboot/antirollback.h: PS2, Line 42: #define SECURE_COUNTER4_NV_INDEX 0x1012
I have made references to use-case here(Widevine) so that it is more clear.
Not really sure what you mean by cr50 specific. They are specific to this code here which creates them (and the userspace code which will use them). We could pick any index (in the available space) we want, and you could have these on a non-cr50 TPM as well.
File src/security/vboot/secdata_tpm.c: PS3, Line 345: space better: spaces (plural) PS3, Line 349: <= I think you want < here or you'll end up with 5 counters.