Attention is currently required from: Angel Pons.
Václav Straka has posted comments on this change by Václav Straka. ( )
Change subject: mb/hp: Add Pro 3400 ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
Commit Message: : PS1, Line 11: As a side effect fixed 3500's USB. (broken since 81878)
This should belong to a separate commit. I'm not sure what exactly fixed the USB ports. […]
USB ports were configured in early_init.c and this change moved it to the devicetree. I just moved the code. I don't think this needs to be another commit since the values are the same just in a different place.
I'll fix the reference.
File src/mainboard/hp/pro_3x00_series/Kconfig: : PS1, Line 47: default "src/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/variants/$(CONFIG_VARIANT_DIR)/data.vbt"
I think this is the default path
That's true. I assumed it isn't and just copied it from hp/snb_ivb_desktops. I will remove it.
File src/mainboard/hp/pro_3x00_series/cmos.default: : PS1, Line 6: nmi=Enable
I would disable NMI by default, IIRC the state isn't properly saved/restored so NMI ends up disabled […]
File src/mainboard/hp/pro_3x00_series/cmos.layout: : PS1, Line 26: # SandyBridge MRC Scrambler Seed values : 896 32 r 0 mrc_scrambler_seed : 928 32 r 0 mrc_scrambler_seed_s3 : 960 16 r 0 mrc_scrambler_seed_chk
Unused with native raminit, which is forced on (`select USE_NATIVE_RAMINIT`). Please remove.
File src/mainboard/hp/pro_3x00_series/variants/pro_3400_series/overridetree.cb: : PS1, Line 24: device ref mei1 off end
Why is this off? If you used me_cleaner or the FDO jumper, the ME stops working properly and vendor […]
I copied this from autoport's output, i probably had the FDO jumper on at that time without realizing it. I'll remove this. : PS1, Line 25: device ref pci_bridge off end
This is the default state. This line can be removed.
I would remove this but then there would be no devices left on this chip so it wouldn't build. CB:51119