Attention is currently required from: Martin Roth, Stefan Reinauer, David Hendricks, Angel Pons, Werner Zeh. Public Gerrit has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: Add public gerrit account ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
Commit Message: PS4, Line 10: Signed-off-by: Public Gerrit
The problem with this idea is that a "Signed-off-by:" line is meaningless coming from an anonymous u […]
Thanks for bringing this up. I have read the note from Linus Torvalds from 2004. This is mostly designed with code in mind. The main reason why this account was made is to help with Documentation. On wikipedia for example its normal to have edits that are made without any account. They are completely fine with this. In OpenStreetMap people create for every single edit a single account and never use this account again for a second edit. I know few people that dont contribute to projects for example on github because they cant create a github account with a Tor-IP Address and this is discrimination. Like the country-based streaming services that decide based on the IP-Country what you should be able to see and what not.
A free internet does not split people on what they are allowed to do on their names, country or IP-address.
Definitely. The potential for abuse is also something to consider.
The point with abuse is exactly what Gerrit makes impossible. Every edit have to be confirmed by other known developers.
Following is proven many times: If someone would want to abuse something somewehre, this human wont say that it does not want to provide any private data. Because its known that then other people would get suspicious. The abuse wont work then. Those abuse-people always use fake data to not make anyone suspicious.
Gerrit makes sure that abuse is nearly impossible because on coreboot only core developers can add a +2 and they also dont add +2 to their own code commits but wait for other to review those first. Its not like for example in the LineageOS project where "DO NOT MERGE"-commits are merged with no review. One of many examples:
PS4: Thanks
File Documentation/getting_started/ PS4, Line 323: edit anonymous
comment anonymously
The account was made mainly to edit the documentation. Should it still be named 'comment'?