Attention is currently required from: Dengwu Yu, Karthik Ramasubramanian, Kun Liu, Shelley Chen, Subrata Banik, Wentao Qin.
Jian Tong has posted comments on this change by Jian Tong. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/brox/var/lotso: Update devicetree setting ......................................................................
Patch Set 5:
File src/mainboard/google/brox/variants/lotso/overridetree.cb: : PS4, Line 7: field STORAGE 2 3 : option STORAGE_UNKNOWN 0 : option STORAGE_UFS 1 : option STORAGE_NVME 2 : end
STORAGE bits have moved from bit 0 to bit 2. This is going to break the proto builds. […]
Now, we still in proto phases, and bit 2 3 for storage is right way.
Ref: : PS4, Line 169: device ref pch_espi on : chip ec/google/chromeec : device pnp 0c09.0 on end : end : end
Not required since it is already enabled in base devicetree. […]
Acknowledged : PS4, Line 307: probe WIFI_BT WIFI_PCIE_WIFI7
I don't think this duplicate probe is required since the probe failure on pcie_rp5 will disable any […]
Acknowledged : PS4, Line 345: probe ISH ISH_ENABLE
last time I spoke, I was told ISH is not going to be used. […]