Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Jason Glenesk, Raul Rangel, Nico Huber, Furquan Shaikh, Marshall Dawson, Tim Wawrzynczak, Michael Niewöhner, Patrick Rudolph, Felix Held. Angel Pons has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: acpigen,soc/amd/cezanne,intel/{common,skl}: rework CPPC table passing ......................................................................
Patch Set 9:
Commit Message: PS9, Line 12: Test: dumped SSDT before and after do not differ. On which machine?
File src/cpu/intel/common/common_init.c: PS9, Line 134: *version = CPPC_VERSION_2; I'd use `CPPC_VERSION_3` here.
Context: The code in soc/intel was changed and the CPPC version now depends on `SOC_INTEL_COMMON_BLOCK_ACPI_CPU_HYBRID`. As the Kconfig option is specific to soc/intel, I'd return the highest supported CPPC version here, and lower it in soc/intel according to the Kconfig option.
File src/soc/amd/cezanne/cppc.c: PS9, Line 42: const cppc_entry_t *cpu_get_cppc_table(u32 *version, u32 *size) Do you need this function to be public? It's not used outside of this file. In fact, I'd get rid of it and call `acpigen_write_CPPC_package()` directly with the right parameters.
File src/soc/intel/common/block/acpi/acpi.c: PS9, Line 387: acpigen_write_CPPC_package(cppc_table, version, size); This has changed, now the CPPC version can be 2 or 3 depending on the `SOC_INTEL_COMMON_BLOCK_ACPI_CPU_HYBRID` Kconfig option. I would have `cpu_get_cppc_table()` return CPPC_VERSION_3 (the highest supported CPPC version) and change the value to CPPC_VERSION_2 if the `SOC_INTEL_COMMON_BLOCK_ACPI_CPU_HYBRID` option is not enabled.
I'm thinking of something like this:
if (core_id == 0) { u32 version, size; const cppc_entry_t *cppc_table = cpu_get_cppc_table(&version, &size); if (!CONFIG(SOC_INTEL_COMMON_BLOCK_ACPI_CPU_HYBRID)) version = CPPC_VERSION_2; acpigen_write_CPPC_package(cppc_table, version, size); }