Attention is currently required from: Hung-Te Lin, Jarried Lin, Yu-Ping Wu.
Yidi Lin has posted comments on this change by Jarried Lin. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/rauru: Add EC suspend pin initial setting ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
Commit Message: : PS3, Line 7: mb/google/rauru: Add EC suspend pin initial setting : : Set the EC suspend pin to output high.
Just recalled that AP_IN_SLEEP_L is the new sleep source for Rauru, which is decoupled from SRCLKENA […]
mb/google/rarur: Configure AP_IN_SLEEP_L pin
Set AP_IN_SLEEP_L to GPIO mode and output high to notify EC about AP power state.
File src/mainboard/google/rauru/chromeos.c: : PS3, Line 22: gpio_output(GPIO_EC_SUSPEND_PIN, 1);
In ATF plat/mediatek/drivers/spm/mt8196/mt_spm_suspend. […]
EC_SUSPEND_BK_PIN is SPI CS pin. It was a workaround for AP S0/S3 indication for previous manufacturing phase. We don't need to configure it in coreboot.
File src/mainboard/google/rauru/gpio.h: : PS3, Line 8: _OD
Not related to this patch, but what's `_OD`? The name on the schematics is `BEEP_ON`. […] Please help.