Attention is currently required from: Sean Rhodes.
Lean Sheng Tan has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: soc/intel/{tgl,adl}: Hook up D3ColdEnable UPD to D3COLD_SUPPORT ......................................................................
Patch Set 8:
(1 comment)
File src/device/Kconfig: PS4, Line 1004: Don't support D3Cold" : default n if NO_S0IX_SUPPORT
"Don't support" but Kconfig name says "support". […]
hi Michael, thanks for finding the bug/ error here. I admit this is a miss from my side as a reviewer, but could you help to create a patch fix instead of revert everything that Sean has been working on? you know that we are already lagging the resources to review and get patches merged in time, I am trying to fill in the gap as much as possible, I will get better overtime. Please help to understand that everyone is working hard to make the code base better at their own capacity. I also hope we have more and more qualified reviewers could join the forces than the usual fews.