Attention is currently required from: Hung-Te Lin, Rui Zhou, Yu-Ping Wu.
Yidi Lin has posted comments on this change by Rui Zhou. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/geralt: support TAS2563 audio amp ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File src/mainboard/google/geralt/chromeos.c: : PS1, Line 56: if (fw_config_probe(FW_CONFIG(AUDIO_AMP, AMP_MAX98390))) {
In the depthcharge stage, we need to use the value of GPIO_RST_SPKR_L. […]
You can still use FW_CONFIG in depthcharge.
The if statement here should be ``` if (CONFIG(GERALT_USE_NAU8318)) { ... } else if (fw_config_probe(FW_CONFIG(AUDIO_AMP, AMP_MAX98390)) || fw_config_probe(FW_CONFIG(AUDIO_AMP, AMP_TAS2563))) { ... ) ```
File src/mainboard/google/geralt/devicetree.cb: : PS1, Line 4: AUDIO_AMP
Because it's not used in the current subproject, no changes have been made.
It seems that no project uses NAU8318 and NAU8318 is default disabled on Geralt. Let's keep the setting for now.