Attention is currently required from: Martin L Roth, Matt DeVillier, Stefan Reinauer, Lean Sheng Tan.
build bot (Jenkins) has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: payloads/edk2: Seperate the build target and repository ......................................................................
Patch Set 26:
Commit Message:
Robot Comment from checkpatch (run ID jenkins-coreboot-checkpatch-159524): PS26, Line 9: Until recently, there were two options to build edk2, UefiPayloadPkg and Possible unwrapped commit description (prefer a maximum 72 chars per line)
Robot Comment from checkpatch (run ID jenkins-coreboot-checkpatch-159524): PS26, Line 13: It makes more sense, as the official edk2 repository doesn't work with 'seperate' may be misspelled - perhaps 'separate'?