Attention is currently required from: Bao Zheng, Felix Held, Julius Werner, Marshall Dawson, Zheng Bao, ritul guru.
Maximilian Brune has posted comments on this change by Bao Zheng. ( )
Change subject: amdfwtool: Move L1 before L2 ......................................................................
Patch Set 12:
PS12: I tested on birman-plus: The binary changed as expected, but the size of all CBFS files is the same (build using BUILD_TIMELESS). birman-plus also still boots fine with A/B Recovery layout.
Commit Message: : PS12, Line 13: L1 first and L2 first. I guess that was meant as: "L1 first and L2 afterwards/last". Or maybe just write: `covers both L1 and L2 BIOS directory table`.
File util/amdfwtool/amdfwtool.c: : PS12, Line 1436: This comment is not correct anymore after the changes above. : PS12, Line 1804: This comment is not correct anymore.