Attention is currently required from: Tim Wawrzynczak, Arthur Heymans, Patrick Rudolph. Sridhar Siricilla has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: soc/intel/alderlake, soc/common: Add method to determine the cpu type mask ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
File src/soc/intel/common/block/acpi/cpu_hybrid.c: PS1, Line 18: get_cpu_type
this is only implemented in the following patch. Please order them correctly...
Done, PS1, Line 23: get_cpu_type_bitmask
Where is this called? It's very hard to know what the purpose of all this is, as it's not explained […]
This is implemented in the cpu_hybrid.c. The function is no longer required as the caller and set_cpu_type_bitmask() are moved to cpu_hybrid.c PS1, Line 25: return global_cpu_type_bitmask;
This is not thread safe and probably should only be consume when all AP have run it.
The bitmask is updated in the multi core context, but accessed by only BSP. So, it's a thread-safe.