Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Paul Menzel, Angel Pons. Michael Büchler has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/acer/g43t-am3: Add documentation ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
(1 comment)
File Documentation/mainboard/acer/ PS2, Line 108: flashrom -p internal -r backup.rom
I'm pretty sure I haven't, but I found the board in a dumpster so it might very well be that someb […]
You're right, my notes from 1 1/2 years ago are wrong and the ME_DISABLE jumper does trigger the flashrom note. I can also see GPIO33 changing on `inteltool -g` (`GP_LVL2` bit 1).
Thus I don't see why anyone who had this board before me would have modified the IFD if they could've just set the jumper.. the totally unrestricted settings in the IFD (all 0xff) must be how Acer shipped the board.
I removed the `--noverify-all` hint for now, and described the jumper. What do you think?