Attention is currently required from: Furquan Shaikh, Tim Wawrzynczak. Tim Crawford has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: soc/intel/common/cse: Print FW version without serial console ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
(1 comment)
File src/soc/intel/common/block/cse/cse.c: PS1, Line 838: /* Ignore if UART debugging is disabled */ : if (!CONFIG(CONSOLE_SERIAL)) : retur
What about just changing this to a new Kconfig, like PRINT_CSE_VERSION_IN_LOG or similar, then you d […]
Honestly, this won't even be worth it. I want it for testing enabling/disabling IME. But once we have it disabled (everything except TGL-U) it not going to be useful. (We also track the version of the ME ROM used for each model in our firmware-open repo).