Attention is currently required from: Arthur Heymans. Werner Zeh has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/siemens/mc_ehl: Switch to 16 MB ROM and provide a flashmap ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File src/mainboard/siemens/mc_ehl/mc_ehl.fmd: PS2, Line 9: 0xbefe00
You can also leave this empty and fmaptool will fill the size to fill the parent region.
Cool, this is new to me. Nice feature, will change.
File src/mainboard/siemens/mc_ehl/variants/mc_ehl1/Kconfig: PS2, Line 3: config BOARD_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS : def_bool y
remove as it's not selecting anything?
Will be used in the next commits. But yes, I can remove for this commit and add in later.