Attention is currently required from: Marx Wang. Gaggery Tsai has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: soc/intel/apollolake: Provide the option to enable DDR 2x refresh rate ......................................................................
Patch Set 13: Code-Review-1
(1 comment)
PS13: Should we wait a little bit? It looks to me the CONFIG would impact all DRAMs. Since the mitigation is for DRAM, does it make sense to add an attribute in lpddr4_sku like "bool row_hammer_mitigation"?
So in mainboard, just an example, we could initialize the variable if this DRAM is impacted like [0] = { .speed = LP4_SPEED_2400, .ch0_rank_density = LP4_8Gb_DENSITY, .ch1_rank_density = LP4_8Gb_DENSITY, .ch0_dual_rank = 1, .ch1_dual_rank = 1, .part_num = "K4F6E304HB-MGCJ", .row_hammer_mitigation = CONFIG(ENABLE_2X_MITIGATION) }, /* K4F8E304HB-MGCJ - both logical channels */ .....
This setting will be passed to set_lpddr4_defaults with the slightly change to the meminit_lpddr4 with sku->row_hammer_mitigation.