Angel Pons has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/purism/librem_whl: rename to librem_cnl ......................................................................
Patch Set 1: Code-Review+2
Patch Set 1:
Just wanted to mention that what holds soc/intel/cannonlake/ together is actually the PCH cannonpoint/cnp.
Hrm, good point. I feel we might as well name this `librem_cfl` since CNL isn't really a thing
why would I rename to Coffeelake when none of the boards select that SoC? _cnp would be the most logical suffix given the common PCH, but I can't see _cnl vs _cnp being meaningful in any way
I agree, `cfl` would be most odd. `cnp` would reflect what's actually on the boards, but `cnl` seems also fine.
Ah yes, I was thinking ahead of reality. I've thought of dropping CNL support and renaming the SoC folder to coffeelake instead, which would be more accurate.
But then it would be renamed to cannonpoint :-P
Hrm. Maybe.