Attention is currently required from: Caveh Jalali, Arthur Heymans, Boris Mittelberg, Felix Held.
Hello build bot (Jenkins), Nico Huber, Caveh Jalali, Boris Mittelberg, Felix Held,
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#3).
Change subject: {ec/superio}/acpi: Remove _PRS if no _SRS is implemented ......................................................................
{ec/superio}/acpi: Remove _PRS if no _SRS is implemented
_PRS only makes sense if _SRS is implemented.
Change-Id: I030bd716215b5ac5738e00ebf6ed991d9d6c5ca0 Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans --- M src/ec/google/wilco/acpi/superio.asl M src/ec/quanta/ene_kb3940q/acpi/superio.asl M src/ec/quanta/it8518/acpi/superio.asl M src/superio/ite/it8772f/acpi/superio.asl M src/superio/smsc/sio1007/acpi/superio.asl 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/13/69513/3