Attention is currently required from: Furquan Shaikh, Henry Sun, Tim Wawrzynczak, Karthik Ramasubramanian. Dtrain Hsu has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/dedede/var/cret: Enable/disable LTE function based on FW_CONFIG ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
@Furquan/Tim, Is it ok to enable fw_config in SMM stage? I am not sure if it was intentionally not e […]
If enable fw_config in SMM mode has concern, I think we could remove fw_config detection on SMM mode and still control the Lte power off sequence.
File src/lib/ PS1, Line 188: smm-$(CONFIG_FW_CONFIG) += fw_config.c
Please move it to a separate change of its own. […]
File src/mainboard/google/dedede/variants/cret/gpio.c: PS1, Line 122:
Instead of maintaining 2 large tables, can you please check if this approach works for you keeping t […]
The test result is the same with b/187797408#comment1
File src/mainboard/google/dedede/variants/cret/overridetree.cb: PS1, Line 88: probe LTE LTE_PRESENT
Just want to remind that this works as long as you dont re-use the same USB port for a different use […]
The USB port is only for LTE now on Cret. Thank you for remind.