Stefan Reinauer has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: Add install and uninstall targets to Makefile ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
(3 comments) File Makefile: PS1, Line 75: etc
not sure, this _might_ be $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)
It's even more different than that.. /etc/ is only to be used by overrides, but the default rule for this device should live in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d instead. Fixed that. PS1, Line 76: /usr/local
it's customary to make this $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX), with a line PREFIX ?= /usr/local to provide a defau […]
Done. PS1, Line 76: plugdev
it isn't; archlinux doesn't have this group.
OpenSUSE doesn't have it either. Debian (and Ubuntu) does. It's the group named in the udev file itself, so it made sense to keep it that I assume.