Furquan Shaikh has posted comments on this change. ( https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283 )
Change subject: soc/intel/common/block/cse: Modify handling of HMRFPO_ENABLE command ......................................................................
Patch Set 7:
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7//COMMIT_MSG Commit Message:
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7//COMMIT_MSG@10 PS7, Line 10: Allow execution of HMRFPO_ENABLE command only when CSE's : operation mode is Temp Disable Mode Why? This does not match my reading of BWG. Please point me to the doc # that captures this condition.
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7//COMMIT_MSG@19 PS7, Line 19: MRP MRP is ... ?
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7//COMMIT_MSG@20 PS7, Line 20: Ensure CSE boots from BP1. When CSE boots from BP1, it will have : opmode Temp Disable Mode. Where is this captured?
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7/src/soc/intel/common/block/... File src/soc/intel/common/block/cse/cse.c:
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7/src/soc/intel/common/block/... PS7, Line 667: if (hfs1.fields.operation_mode != ME_HFS_MODE_TEMP_DISABLE) { : printk(BIOS_ERR, "HECI: ME is not in expected mode/state(0x%x)\n", hfs1.data); : goto failed; : } This does not match my reading of CML BWG. Please point me to the doc where this is captured.
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7/src/soc/intel/common/block/... File src/soc/intel/common/block/include/intelblocks/cse.h:
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7/src/soc/intel/common/block/... PS7, Line 133: MRP What is MRP?
https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/37283/7/src/soc/intel/common/block/... PS7, Line 134: 1. Ensure CSE boots from BP1(RO). : * - Send set_next_boot_partition(BP1) : * - Issue CSE Only Reset : * 2. Send HMRFPO_ENABLE command to CSE. Further, no reset is required. Please point me to the doc # that captures this.