Gaggery Tsai has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: src/mb/intel/coffeelake_rvp: Add mainboard for CML-S RVP8 ......................................................................
Patch Set 3:
(3 comments) Commit Message: PS3, Line 10: CML-U RVP to RVPU to avoid confusing
please do that in a separate patch.
OKAY. Will do File src/mainboard/intel/coffeelake_rvp/Kconfig: PS3, Line 64: : config DEVICETREE : string : default "variants/$(CONFIG_VARIANT_DIR)/devicetree.cb"
please move to overridetree's first
I'm a bit confused. There is no devicetree.cb in baseboard. Do we want to do it in this patch? File src/mainboard/intel/coffeelake_rvp/chromeos_32MB.fmd: PS3, Line 5: SI_GBE@0x81000 0x2000
is this even used on previous ones? I not, you could just give SI_ALL a size and drop the sub fmap r […]
Yes, this is actually essential for CFL-S/H CML-S/H RVPs. With this region available, you can use enable the config file to specify GBE bin location and ifdtool will stitch it into image.