Attention is currently required from: Bora Guvendik, Selma Bensaid, Tim Wawrzynczak. Cliff Huang has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/brya: Add companion device name to WWAN PCIe generic device ......................................................................
Patch Set 10:
(1 comment)
File src/mainboard/google/brya/variants/brya0/overridetree.cb: PS10, Line 213: rp6_wwan
We are supposed to have the DmaProperty in 3 places total: […]
I like your PCIe generic approach better. Unlike GPIO pins, those properties are system specific and are not been used by the drivers themselves. It makes sense to stay in the system-oriented common code. In case we need to add more properties or generating new APCI objects, we can only update PCIe generic driver and its chip.h, PCIe instances in the cb files without modifying all the related drivers code and chip.h, which requires more separate code commits. Further, we don't need to keep our eyes on new drivers for a new part to ensure they does the same for those properties and _DSD. We can add PCIe generic devices to CNVi and do the same as WWAN. In fact, it might not be a bad idea to merge rtd3 to be part of PCIe generic so that we can separate out driver and system specific in two places. Just my thought.