Attention is currently required from: Lance Zhao, Caveh Jalali, Tim Wawrzynczak, Kyösti Mälkki, Boris Mittelberg.
Matt DeVillier has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: [WIP] ACPI: Add usb_charge_mode_from_gnvs() ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
File src/acpi/acpi_pm.c: PS4, Line 69: *usb0_disable, bool *usb1_disable) these variable names make the functionality much more clear, I'd recommend using them throughout the patch vs using u0/u1disable
File src/ec/google/chromeec/smihandler.c: PS4, Line 48: chromeec_set_usb_charge_mode(bool u0disable, bool u1disable) : { : if (u0disable) : google_chromeec_set_usb_charge_mode(0, USB_CHARGE_MODE_DISABLED); : : if (u1disable) : google_chromeec_set_usb_charge_mode(1, USB_CHARGE_MODE_DISABLED); any reason not to just pass in the sleep mode, and have chromeec_set_usb_charge_mode() get the disable state directly from usb_charge_mode_from_gnvs() ? Seem like a bit of extra work to have each board get the disable states and then pass them here