Attention is currently required from: Mario Scheithauer. Werner Zeh has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/siemens/mc_ehl: Move SPD data to variant directory ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File src/mainboard/siemens/mc_ehl/variants/mc_ehl1/ PS2, Line 7: # 0b000
Maybe just put the memory type here as a comment.
This comment does not reflect the memory type but the ID of the SPD file, namely 0. PS2, Line 8: LIB_SPD_DEPS := $(foreach f, $(SPD_SOURCES), \ : src/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/variants/$(VARIANT_DIR)/spd/$(f).spd.hex)
Do we really need this? There should be only one matching SPD file.
I did this in order to be flexible with the spd file naming in the future. If we should change the DRAM chip and need new SPD data I would like to change the file name and have it included from scratch. Does that sound reasonable or should we add it back in once we have the case?