Johnny Lin has uploaded a new patch set (#3) to the change originally created by Jonathan Zhang. ( )
Change subject: soc/intel/xeon_sp/cpx: display SystemMemoryMapHob fields ......................................................................
soc/intel/xeon_sp/cpx: display SystemMemoryMapHob fields
SystemMemoryMapHob is necessary for SMBIOS type 17 among other things. It is a fairly large structure, so the pointer to the data instead of the structure itself, is included in the HOB. Use pointer to SystemMemoryMapHob structure to interpret SystemMemoryHob HOB body.
Adjust the structure definition to match with CPX-SP ww28 release.
Display more fields to ensure the structure definition is correct.
TEST=Boot DeltaLake server, and check field values of SystemMemoryMapHob to make sure they are correct: 0x7590a090, 0x00000020 bytes: HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXTENSION f8870015-6994-4b98-95a2bd56da91c07f: FSP_SYSTEM_MEMORYMAP_HOB_GUID ================== MEMORY MAP HOB DATA ================== hob: 0x777f7000, structure size: 0x187a lowMemBase: 0x0, lowMemSize: 0x20, highMemBase: 0x40, highMemSize: 0x5d0 memSize: 0x600, memFreq: 0xb76 NumChPerMC: 3 SystemMemoryMapElement Entries: 2, entry size: 16 memory_map 0 BaseAddress: 0x0, ElementSize: 0x20, Type: 0x1 memory_map 1 BaseAddress: 0x40, ElementSize: 0x5d0, Type: 0x1 BiosFisVersion: 0x0 MmiohBase: 0x0 0x777f7000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ ... Signed-off-by: Jonathan Zhang Change-Id: I271bcbd6030276b8fcd99d5b4f2c93f034dd9b52 --- M src/soc/intel/xeon_sp/cpx/hob_display.c M src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/cooperlake_sp/hob_memmap.h 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/36/43336/3