Attention is currently required from: Jes Klinke, Tim Wawrzynczak, Christian Walter, Angel Pons, Julius Werner, Jett Rink. Jes Klinke has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: tpm: Allow separate handling of Google Ti50 TPM ......................................................................
Patch Set 14:
PS14: Updated to match refinements on the refactoring CL. I assume the "Merge conflict" is a result of the refactoring needed to be submitted first. I do not know if I can indicate to gerrit and Jenkins that the CL in the relation chain needs to be applied first, when testing this CL. (I would have thought that would be automatic, given the relation chain.)
File src/drivers/tpm/cr50.c: PS12, Line 112: 0;
nit: return `CB_SUCCESS` here instead of `0`
File src/mainboard/google/brya/Kconfig: PS11, Line 32: MAINBOARD_HAS_I2C_TPM_TI50
Brask is also cr50 only
Tim, your comment is somewhat self-inconsistent, in that you use the word "also", while stating that Brask uses cr50, which is the opposite of the only two other variant.
I have changed the code such that variants Nissa and Brya are declared as using Ti50, and Brask is declared as using Cr50.
File src/mainboard/google/volteer/.history_*outside*:
Is this meant to be committed?
Certainly not. Thanks for pointing this out, I have to stop my emacs from putting history files in random directories (and/or start paying attention to which files I "git add".)