Nick Vaccaro has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/volteer: Assert BT_DISABLE_L (GPP_A13) in early_gpio_table ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
(1 comment) File src/mainboard/google/volteer/variants/baseboard/gpio.c: PS1, Line 405: GPP_A13 This will drive it low. Does the PAD_CFG_NC initialization of the pin (how the gpio is configured in baseboard's gpio_table) drive it back high? In some cases, like volteer2, it will drive it back high as volteer2 has GPP_A13 defined as output and driven high in it's override gpio_table.
Note that this change will need to be added to all gpio.c files in volteer/variants/<variant_name>/ that override the baseboard's early gpio table due to the fact that the early gpio table is a full override as it does not mix settings with baseboard settings. unlike the gpio_table above, which mixes the two tables with individual GPIO settings in the table in this file overriding the other where common).