Nico Huber has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: Documentation: Add GM45 ThinkPads common page ......................................................................
Patch Set 8:
(1 comment) Commit Message: PS6, Line 9: - Add a common page about GM45 ThinkPads. : - Describe how to disable ME and remove it's firmware : on these models. : - Describe default flash layouts. : : Thanks to swiftgeek for his help when writing this, : especially the last paragraph and flash layouts.
If in doubt, gerrit's UI allows editing a commit message, and the default box size is a good referen […]
Somebody wrote 75 into the coreboot wiki, and now it's read-only ;) Anyway, it's just a maximum, so this commit message is already perfectly formatted.
Gerrit (and other tools) assume 72 chars.