Attention is currently required from: Lance Zhao, Cliff Huang, Furquan Shaikh, Angel Pons, Michael Niewöhner, Karthik Ramasubramanian. Tim Wawrzynczak has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: acpi: Add function to simplify If (CondRefOf (..)) sequences ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File src/acpi/acpigen.c: PS1, Line 2255: acpigen_emit_byte(ZERO_OP); /* ignore COND_REFOF_OP destination */
What's the output of asl and is that needed?
This is required, COND_REFOF always takes 2 arguments, a namestring and then a destination for the result, but when the result is used in an `if` statement, the destination is allowed to be 0.
`If (CondRefOf (NAME)) {`
See next patch.
File src/include/acpi/acpigen.h: PS1, Line 590: cond_refof
very pedantic: CondRefOf ---> cond_ref_of
Done. PS1, Line 590: void acpigen_write_if_cond_refof(const char *namestring);
I'd place this function closer to the other if-writing functions. […]
Sounds legit, done.