Attention is currently required from: Hung-Te Lin, Paul Menzel, Yidi Lin, Yu-Ping Wu.
Xin Ji has posted comments on this change by Xin Ji. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/corsola: Increase ANX7625 data trail time ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
Commit Message: : PS1, Line 7: fine tune the data lane trail
More specific: […]
OK : PS1, Line 8:
Please start by describing the problem, like: Currently, the display flickers.
OK : PS1, Line 9: ANX7625 requires customized hs_da_trail time
Why? According to the schematics?
I'll add more description. : PS1, Line 9: override the : data trail for ANX7625
What is the current value, and what is the new value? Why is the new value correct?
I'm not sure current value, need ask MTK.
File src/mainboard/google/corsola/panel_anx7625.c: : PS1, Line 69: timing->da_hs_trail += 9;
Maybe better use the absolute value, or does it always need to be increased by nine?
I cannot use the absolute value, I'm not sure the original value.