Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Angel Pons. Tim Wawrzynczak has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/volteer/baseboard: Configure chipset_lockdown seperately ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
Commit Message: PS2, Line 12: seperetaly separately PS2, Line 10: since their configuration of : `common_soc_config` overwrites the configuration of the baseboard's : devicetree. This is an issue with sconfig (it can't tell apart these two cases, even though it's setting the exact same field in the generated C code, although properly fixing it would be very tricky
PS2: I think it would be OK to drop this change, and just keep the next one; they will still all have CHIPSET_LOCKDOWN_COREBOOT selected (this one should be set at the baseboard level, not variants).