Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Paul Menzel, Angel Pons. Michael Büchler has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/acer/g43t-am3: Add documentation ......................................................................
Patch Set 5:
PS5: I also updated the board status, testing on the same commit that this one is based on.
File Documentation/mainboard/acer/ PS2, Line 108: flashrom -p internal -r backup.rom
Unless needed for some reason, it's best to *not* bypass the IFD restrictions and use `--noverify-al […]
Using `--noverify-all` instead of bypassing the IFD restrictions sounds like a good habit. My best guess still is that this board was shipped without any flash restrictions in the IFD. I think it's best not to describe anything that doesn't apply to this board, so I'd prefer not to mention `--noverify-all`.
With this in mind I changed it slightly again.