Attention is currently required from: Raul Rangel, Jon Murphy, Karthik Ramasubramanian. Felix Held has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/skyrim: Add DXIO descriptors ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
Commit Message: PS3, Line 9: bouard board PS3, Line 10: shematics schematics PS3, Line 13: TEST=Builds just a build test is likely not sufficient; at least i'd prefer to have it verified on hardware that all pcie devices end up working
File src/mainboard/google/skyrim/port_descriptors.c: PS3, Line 49: //.port_params = {PP_PSPP_AC, 0x144, PP_PSPP_DC, 0x133} // TODO: uncomment this when PSPP is working the commented out lines can be dropped for now. i also expect that we'll need different values here when pspp is working; probably {PP_PSPP_AC, 0x133, PP_PSPP_DC, 0x122} PS3, Line 54: .start_logical_lane = 0, the engine is unused, but the lanes overlap with the dxio descriptors before this one
File src/mainboard/google/skyrim/variants/baseboard/include/baseboard/variants.h: PS3, Line 10: #define WLAN_DEVFN PCIE_GPP_2_0_DEVFN : #define SD_DEVFN PCIE_GPP_2_1_DEVFN i'm not certain if those device functions need to be swapped. there are requirements for the assignment of pcie device functions to root ports depending on the logical lane numbers within all devices with the same link width