Attention is currently required from: Raul Rangel, Paul Menzel. Peter Marheine has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: ec/google/chromeec: allow custom command timeout ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
(1 comment)
Commit Message: PS1, Line 17:
When is EC flash erase done, that means, when will the user experience that? Should some message log […]
This can occur when a new AP firmware is installed that also provides a new EC firmware, so the EC needs to be updated. This is fairly rare for released devices (much less often than every OS release), but does happen.
Logging slow commands could be okay, but would probably also need a flag to opt in to that behavior (or a "slow threshold" field) for the caller to populate. What if we instead had the erase function log its timing information unconditionally, since it's the only command that we expect to be slow like this? That way we can get information from logs if erase is slow, but don't complicate other commands.