Attention is currently required from: Jakub Czapiga. Julius Werner has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: libpayload/libc/fmap: Implement new FlashMap API ......................................................................
Patch Set 7:
I am wondering, why payloads: coreinfo and nvramcui are failing. […]
I guess that means that something isn't working right with that include path yet? Have you tried building those payloads locally? Can you repro the issue?
File payloads/libpayload/libc/fmap.c: PS6, Line 53: -1
CB_CBFS_NOT_FOUND has description: "File not found in directory", which indicates, that we are looki […]
Okay, probably good enough to just use CB_ERR.
File payloads/libpayload/tests/libc/fmap_locate_area-test.c: PS6, Line 98: _fmap_cache = NULL;
Because _fmap_cache will be pointing to fmap_buffer, which is allocated on the stack.
Hmm... yeah... why does it call free() anyway? I don't see you malloc() it anywhere.
File payloads/libpayload/tests/libc/fmap_locate_area-test.c: PS7, Line 78: u8 fmap_buffer2[sizeof(struct fmap) + 3 * sizeof(struct fmap_area)]; Is this still used?