Attention is currently required from: Sean Rhodes.
Hello build bot (Jenkins),
I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
to look at the new patch set (#5).
Change subject: mb/starlabs/*: Declare all DDI interfaces ......................................................................
mb/starlabs/*: Declare all DDI interfaces
This seems to make no noticeable difference, but configure these interfaces according to the schematics. Enable HPD for all DisplayPort links and DDC for HDMI links.
Change-Id: I0f736761bcc177afebb98eb2f612b089bc6f13a4 Signed-off-by: Sean Rhodes --- M src/mainboard/starlabs/byte_adl/variants/mk_ii/devicetree.cb M src/mainboard/starlabs/starbook/variants/adl/devicetree.cb M src/mainboard/starlabs/starbook/variants/rpl/devicetree.cb M src/mainboard/starlabs/starfighter/variants/rpl/devicetree.cb M src/mainboard/starlabs/starlite_adl/variants/mk_v/devicetree.cb 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/93/85693/5