Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Sean Rhodes, Nico Huber, Angel Pons, Arthur Heymans.
Tarun Tuli has uploaded a new patch set (#11) to the change originally created by Tim Wawrzynczak. ( )
Change subject: common: Begin Tiger Lake integration ......................................................................
common: Begin Tiger Lake integration
Tiger Lake's integrated graphics engine is built off an entirely new igfx architecture named "Iris Xe." This patch adds just enough support to compile for Tiger Lake. Fortunately, the backlight programming hasn't changed since SKL, so with a little bit of hacking, one can also have libgfxinit turn on the backlight to verify something is working and running.
The first pass through the support will focus mostly on the eDP panel, then Type-C ports (both in fixed/native mode [DP/HDMI] and in Type-C DP Alt Mode). TBT will not be mostly ignored in this first pass, as it is not as widely used (yet?) as the other protocols.
Tested on google/voxel, with DEBUG_ADA_CODE enabled.
Signed-off-by: Tim Wawrzynczak Change-Id: Ic8d32598e5611453ce53f1deaeab981b9f2a952f --- M common/ M common/ M common/hw-gfx-gma-config_helpers.adb M common/hw-gfx-gma.adb M common/ A common/tigerlake/ A common/tigerlake/hw-gfx-gma-connectors.adb A common/tigerlake/hw-gfx-gma-plls.adb A common/tigerlake/ A common/tigerlake/hw-gfx-gma-port_detect.adb A common/tigerlake/hw-gfx-gma-power_and_clocks.adb A common/tigerlake/ A configs/tigerlake 13 files changed, 544 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/87/65087/11