Maxim Polyakov has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/intel/cedarisland: Update UDP option offsets for FSP-M ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
(2 comments) Commit Message: PS3, Line 7: UDP
Oh no, FSP connects to the internet? https://en.wikipedia. […]
Yes, it's time, FSP 2.2 can do that :) File src/mainboard/intel/cedarisland_crb/romstage.c: PS3, Line 10: : // BoardId (offset 0x00B9) : write8(start + 185, 0x1d); : : // BoardTypeBitmask (offset 0x00A0) : write32(start + 160, 0x11111111); : : // DebugPrintLevel (offset 0x006D) : write8(start + 109, 8); : : // KtiLinkSpeedMode (offset 0x0080) : write8(start + 128, 0); : : // KtiPrefetchEn (offset 0x0075) : write8(start + 117, 2);
Why do we need this patch, though?
This is required to show that the offsets are different from src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/cooperlake_sp/FspmUpd.h
do you think it's better to abandon this patch?