Attention is currently required from: Hung-Te Lin, Paul Menzel, Yu-Ping Wu. Rex-BC Chen has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mb/google/corsola: Revise power-on sequence of PS8640 ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
Commit Message: PS3, Line 11:
So there is no real problem to be fixed?
yes, it did cause some issue and I add the reason to commit message: The power-on sequence of PS8640 needs to be modified because the waveform of power-on sequence do not meet the spec for PS8640. PS3, Line 13: TEST=show fw display normally in krabby.
This adds 110 ms of delay? If so, please document that.
done, I add the spec name and chapter in commit message.
Keep this open.
done, I add the spec name and chapter in commit message.