Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Angel Pons, Arthur Heymans, Patrick Rudolph. Patrick Rudolph has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: cpu/intel/model_206ax: Replace `generate_cstate_entries` ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File src/cpu/intel/model_206ax/acpi.c: PS2, Line 50: int count = 0; Reading this code again and again, I'm still not sure what values to put in as acpi_cX. According to the ACPI spec you can specify more than 3 C-states in _CST package, so this selection using the devicetree doesn't make any sense. Why not put all (supported) C-states into _CST? PS2, Line 54: acpi_cstates
Sorry, I don't follow. […]
yes, if acpi_cX >= ARRAY_SIZE(cpu->cstates) PS2, Line 55: i + 1
I'm just doing what the original code did.
Just checked, there's no ctype in the default map. This only works as acpi_cstates contains the cstates C1 - C3.