Attention is currently required from: Martin Roth, Paul Menzel, Moritz Fischer. Angel Pons has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: mainboard/pine64/rockpro64: Add initial ROCKPro64 support ......................................................................
Patch Set 6: Code-Review+1
Commit Message: PS6, Line 21: For UART pins 6, 8 and 10 on the PI-2 connector can be used. It would be nice to write down the pin mapping. For example:
UART 2 on the PI-2 connector can be used as a coreboot console: + GND is pin 6 + TXD is pin 8 + RXD is pin 10 PS6, Line 24: it's nit: possessive `its` doesn't have an apostrophe PS6, Line 30: nit: one space is enough
PS6: Looks good! Just a few minor nits.
File src/mainboard/pine64/rockpro64/ PS6, Line 5: romstage-y += reset.c I'd suggest `all-y += reset.c` because other stages may invoke this function. Can be updated later if necessary.
File src/mainboard/pine64/rockpro64/board_info.txt: PS6, Line 3: eval I'd say the ROCKPro64 is a single-board computer, so this could be changed to `sbc` PS6, Line 6: n I'd expect flashrom to work on RK3399, using the linux_spi programmer. However, since the board doesn't boot yet, I understand that it hasn't been tested.