Paul Menzel has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: sc7180: Fix prefill requirement and correct the fetch start check ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
(4 comments) Commit Message: PS1, Line 9: With Innolux panel timings, the fetch_start has evaluated to be more than : v_total which is invalid.
With Innolux panel timings, fetch_start evaluates to be greater than v_total, which is invalid. PS1, Line 10: v_total which is invalid. Add a check to accommodate the extra h_total addition : in fetch_start calculation. No check is added, as far as I can see. PS1, Line 11: made Present tense: make PS1, Line 12: as Kernel driver
as Linux kernel driver.
Please also add the commit hash, and the path in the Linux source.