Patrick Georgi has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: util/lint: Update license header text for SPDX headers. ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
(1 comment) File util/lint/lint-000-license-headers: PS4, Line 117: check_for_license "under the terms of the GNU General Public License" \ : "WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY" : check_for_license 'IS PROVIDED .*"AS IS"' : check_for_license 'IS DISTRIBUTED .*"AS IS"' : check_for_license "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE" : check_for_license '"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES' : check_for_license 'assumes any liability or responsibility for the use' : check_for_license 'THE AUTHORS DISCLAIM.*ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE' : check_for_license 'No license required' : check_for_license 'GNU Lesser General Public'
These lines could be intended as they are now part of the if[] condition. […]