Attention is currently required from: Alexey Vazhnov, Evgeny Zinoviev. Felix Held has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: Revert "Document Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L" ......................................................................
Patch Set 1: Code-Review-2
Isn't better to not revert, but improve? If yes, then you guys can easily create new changes.
Sure, improving is better than reverting. But when something really isn't in a good enough shape and I don't have the impression that there will soon be improvements, at least pushing a revert to review is usually the way to go. I'll add a -2 on this revert for let's say 2 weeks, so that the revert can't be merged during that time and revisit this in let's sat 2 weeks to give a reasonable chance that things get improved; if there will be improvements/cleanups, I'll abandon the revert. At least the revert started a bit of discussion that might end up with a good solution I hope.
Use common parts of documentation (`git clone`, install requirements, e.t.c.) is in my TODO, you can find TODO list here But this is hard part, because I want to find a way how in Sphinx to create pieces of documentation for only importing in another pages, but not to show as separate pages. This is what I wanted to discuss.
hmm, I'd just link to the corresponding part of the documentation, but embedding that might make it easier to use. No idea how to do that though.
PS1: I'll revisit this one in 2 weeks